查 询 机 器 设 备 - 2010 年 10 月份 资料

询问日期 2010-10-13
公司名称 SETEC S/B
联 络 人 Ms. Elene Chin/Marketing Manager
电  话 60-3-78457972
传  真 60-3-78457973
E - mail setec_my@streamyx.com
网  站  
问题与建议 I looking for H-frame high speed machine.

Stroke: 70mm
SPM: 300
Tonnage: 150 tons and 200 tons
Bolster size: 1200 x 700mm

Currently my customer are using "SAMDO" Korean make machine.

Kindly quote us your best prices and CIF Port Klang in US$ currency.


询问日期 2010-10-08
公司名称 ahs textile machinery company
联 络 人 hafeez ur rehman/partner/director
电  话 0092-21-34556038
传  真 0092-21-34387716
E - mail hafeez@ahstextile.com
网  站 www.ahstextile.com
问题与建议 we have been working with you some time ago. wanted to know how is situation of ming cheng with regard to our competition from china.

电话:886-2-23494666 ‧ 传真:886-2-23813711 ‧ 电子信箱:tami@tami.org.tw ‧ 会址:100 台北市怀宁街 110 号
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